By Ahmad Ali. From the day he embraced Islam until the day he died, Abu Bakr As-Siddique (Radhi Allahu Anhu - May Allah be Pleased with Him) was the ideal Muslim, surpassing all other Companions in every sphere of life. During the Prophet's lifetime, Abu Bakr was an exemplary soldier on the battlefield; upon the Prophet's death, Abu Bakr (R) remained steadfast and, through the help of Allah, held this nation together. When others suggested keeping Usaamah's army back, Abu Bakr insisted - and correctly so - that the army should continue the mission which the Prophet (S) had in mind. When people refused to pay Zakaat, and when the apostates threatened the stability of the Muslim nation, Abu Bakr was the one who remained firm and took decisive action against them. These are just some of the examples of Abu Bakr's many wonderful achievements throughout his life.
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assalam bro uhave written biogaraphy of hazrat abubaker siddique raziallahutaala anhu and hazrat umaribnilqattab raziallahutaala anhu it sgood ilke that but where is ahlebait where is wrtings of hazrat uthman ibneafaabn raziallahutaalaanhuand hazrat ali raziallahutaalaanhu k plz see my comment very carefully k
assalam bro uhave written biogaraphy of hazrat abubaker siddique raziallahutaala anhu and hazrat umaribnilqattab raziallahutaala anhu it sgood ilke that but where is ahlebait where is wrtings of hazrat uthman ibneafaabn raziallahutaalaanhuand hazrat ali raziallahutaalaanhu k plz see my comment very carefully k
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