
The more we know Allaah [subhaanahu wa ta’aala], the more we will love Him. And how do we know Him? We know Him by learning and understanding His Names and Attributes.
Ash-Shaakir & Ash-Shakoor: When you know & understand the meaning of these names, you will find that inshaa’Allaah, it will encourage you to do more and more. You will find yourself more active both in ‘ibaadah and all types of good.
General meaning of the words in Arabic language:
When we say: “Oh this piece of fertile land [arrd] is ‘arrd shakoor’,” it means that even if you give it little water, it will yield or give back too much. Or it will return more than what you put into it. Subhaanu’Allaah!
This is the essence of the word, i.e. that which gives back more.
Meaning of the words in context of the Attributes of Allaah:
Ash-Shakoor is the quality of appreciation in exaggeration. His reward for each deed is manifold, multiplied, better and bigger. So His appreciation is in exaggeration of quantity and quality.
Anything that you will do, any favour that you will do, Allaah [subhaanahu wa ta’aala] will give you, for it, more than you can imagine, more than your expectation, more than your effort and more than your deed.
How to live with Ash-Shakoor?
You have to give/do, even if it’s little, and then wait for the amazing rewards. Subhaanu’Allaah, the reward will be ‘ziyaadah [more]’.
Remember, the wait and the anticipation of reward is reliant upon action. This is the meaning of appreciating. Would you stop and thank just anyone passing by on the street by saying: “Oh you! Thank you!”? “For what?”, he would ask. He has to do something to deserve thanks and gratitude from you.
Therefore you have to DO to expect and seek Allaah’s appreciation & recognition. Go and do, no matter how small or how little. Then wait for enormous and magnified rewards. Trust Allaah that He WILL give you rewards generously.
Anything you give and do, surely Allaah will recognise it. Allaah will appreciate it by giving you in multitudes.
Even if it they are small good deeds like honouring your mother by kissing her hand, smiling at your sister in Islam, removing a harmful object from the path of people, thanking your husband, etc. know, with certainty that Allaah WILL NOT waste or ignore them. Allaah will not forget or let them go unappreciated. You may forget your deeds but Allaah will not. You WILL see its recompense.
Evidences that show that action may be small but its reward with Allaah is enormous because He is Ash-Shakoor:
1. Half a Date: “And so, any [each one] of you should save himself from the fire even by giving half of a date-fruit [in charity].” [Al-Bukhaaree]
Subhaanu’Allaah! Look at what you give and look at its reward. Because Allaah is Ash-Shakoor!
2. Rewards for Intention: “The similitude of the people of this Ummah is like four individuals:
- Whom Allaah has given wealth and knowledge, so he handles his wealth with his knowledge.
- Whom Allaah has given knowledge and no wealth and he says: ‘Lord, should I have wealth like so-and-so I would have handled it like him.’
So they both have the same reward. Such a person loves to have wealth like others, so he can do good like others without wishing that others lose their wealth.
- Another man Allaah has given him wealth but no knowledge and he spends his wealth in disobedience to Allaah.
- And lastly, a man whom Allaah has not given knowledge nor wealth but he says: ‘Should I have wealth like so-and-so, I would spend it in the way he does.’
So both will have the same sin against them.” [At-Tirmidhee & Ibn Maajah]
Subhaanu’Allaah, He is so Kareem [Kind] and so Shakoor that even though you don’t do the deed, He rewards you for your intention. So anytime you hear of a good deed done by so and so, if you feel inspired to do it then go ahead and do it. But if you feel inspired to do it but are unable to do it, then at least have the wish and intention to do it. Ash-Shakoor will recognise and appreciate your intention and will reward you for it.
3. The Story of Umm Salamah: When her husband, Abu Salamah migrated to Madeenah, he went alone. Her family refused to let her go with him. So she and her son stayed back in Makkah. She loved her husband a lot and the separation made her grieve and cry every single day. After a year had passed like that, her family felt pity for her and allowed her to go to Madeenah to her husband. She undertook that journey alone without even a riding beast with her. It was just her and her baby son. When she reached the outskirts of Makkah, she came across ‘Uthmaan bin Talha. He was a kaafir. He was against the Muslims. But, when he saw her, he recognised her [this was before the command of hijab]. He asked: “Where are you going Umm Salamah?” She replied: “I am running away from you [i.e. Makkans] to protect my deen and to follow the Haq [truth] and to be with my husband in Madeenah.” He asked: “Alone?” She said: “Yes.” He asked: “Nobody with you?” She said: “No WaAllaahi.” He said: “It is not good for you to travel alone.” He asked her to ride on his camel and then he led the camel on foot. all the way to Madeenah, he walked in front of the camel [do you know the distance from Makkah to Madeenah? By car, these days, it takes 5-6 hours. So, can you imagine how long it would take on foot? And, Subhaanu’Allaah, he was a kaafir!]. Much later, Umm Salamah said: “By Allaah, I didn’t find anyone more of a gentleman or generous.” She said that he did not even look at her. He did not talk a word after they started the travel. No looking, no talking at all for the long journey of a number of days. When they reached Madeenah, he didn’t take her to the door of her husband’s house. [Why? Because he didn’t want the husband to feel any embarrassment at seeing some strange man bringing home his wife]. He just pointed to the direction and told her: “This is the place of your husband. So go.” And he left her with his camel and went back to Makkah. Umm Salamah said: “WaAllaahi! La yushkirunna Allaaha ala ma faala [by Allaah, Allaah will not leave him without rewarding him for what he did].”
Subhaanu’Allaah, look at how she believed and trusted Allaah. Look at how she knew the Attributes of Her Lord. She knew Allaah. She knew that Allaah will not let a good deed go wasted. She knew that Allaah will recognise it. She knew that Allaah will not let this man go without rewarding him for his good deed. He was a kaafir. But she knew Allaah. That man did a great favour for a Muslimah so how can Allaah, who is Ash-Shakoor, leave him unrewarded and unappreciated?
She said with conviction: “WaAllaahi! La yushkirunna Allaaha ala ma faala [by Allaah, Allaah will not leave him without rewarding him for what he did].” She swears by Allaah, that He [subhaanahu wa ta’aala] will recognise and appreciate him and reward him for it.
‘Uthmaan bin Talha remained a kaafir when he returned to Makkah. Eight years after that incident, Makkah was opened by the Muslims. He had remained a kaafir for all those years.
Umm Salamah narrates: “During those years, I was waiting for the appreciation and reward of Allaah for ‘Uthmaan bin Talha to come [meaning, that all during those years, she was waiting and anticipating with surety of the recognition of Allaah to arrive].” On the day of the conquest of Makkah, ‘Uthmaan bin Talha embraced Islam. Allaah rewarded his good deed by guiding him to the deen of salvation, i.e. he became a Muslim.
4. Khadijah’s Fitrah: Even before embracing Islam Khadijah [radee Allaahu ‘anha] knew through her fitrah that Allaah is Shakoor. Subhaanu’Allaah. When the Prophet [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] returned from the cave of Hira, fearful, after having encountered the Angel Jibreel, he sought cover by saying: “Cover me up, cover me up!”
What did she say to comfort him? She said: “Never! By Allaah, Allaah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones.” [Al-Bukhaaree]
So, she knew that Allaah is Ash-Shakoor. She knew that He [subhaanahu wa ta’aala] will not abandon or disgrace a person who does so much good. The Prophet [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] was good even before Islam came. He used to help the poor, the orphans, feed the hungry, keep relations with kin, was generous with guests, etc. Allaah does not allow such good deeds go wasted or unrecognised. He shows appreciation of every good deed. Khadijah knew Allaah’s Attribute.
We need to know Allaah’s Attributes. We have to do a lot of good and a lot of ‘ibaadah to make Allaah appreciate us by freeing us from the Hellfire and making us from the people of Jannah. We need to constantly do [acts to please Allaah] so Allaah rewards us with a good end to our life.
How Allaah the Ash-Shakoor Rewards:
Allaah’s appreciation and rewards to you will not be like the way of other people. No! His thanks [appreciation] is multiplied innumerably.
Evidence 1:
“That He may pay them their wages in full, and give them [even] more, out of His Grace. Verily! He is Oft¬-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate [good deeds and to recompense].” [Fatir 35:30]
“Liuwaffiyahum ujoorahum…”
Here Allaah is telling us that He will give you your reward. Do you know the meaning of ‘ujur’? For example if you have a domestic servant, you give her/him a salary at the end of the month. That is his/her ‘ajr’ or salary. So, here, Allaah is saying: “Liuwaffiyahum ujoorahum…”, meaning He will give him/her ‘complete’ ‘ajr’ or complete salary. But do you think that you will get ‘ajr’ or salary without doing work?
He didn’t say for example: “Liuwaffiyahum hasanaat.” He said: “Ujoorahum.” ‘Ajr’ or salary is due on work done. Work/effort is a condition for ‘ajr’ or salary. So we have to ‘DO’ in order to be eligible. We have to ‘DO’ in order to take. We have to show Allaah that we want His Shukr.
“Liuwaffiyahum ujoorahum wa yazidahum min fadlay.”
This is the evidence that He is Ash-Shakoor, it is because He is Shakoor that He [subhaanahu wa ta’aala] says that not only will He give ‘ajr’, He gives ‘more’. Subhaanu’Allaah, He does not just give you your salary/’ajr’, He gives you ‘more’. He gives beyond that. Like a bonus. He gives ‘ziyaadah [more]’ from His Fadl. What is Fadl? It is His Grace and Bounty. When you are paying your maid, do you tell her: “Here is your salary and here is ‘something more’?” No! But Allaah, the Shakoor gives ‘more’ from His Fadl.
Why does He do that? Why does He increase you with more? It is not because of who you are or how you look like or where you come from. But because He is Ash-Shakoor. So don’t look at yourself and think that you are undeserving of His appreciation but look at the attribute of Allaah. Ash-Shakoor gives to all who work for His recognition and His appreciation. He is: “…innahu ghafoorun Shakoor.” [Fatir 35:30]
Don’t just think in terms of sadaqa only. Deeds consist of any kind of good you do, like helping someone, advising someone, doing a favour for someone, etc. Allaah will recognise it and reward you for it. Guaranteed!
Evidence 2:
“That is [the Paradise] whereof Allaah gives glad tidings to His slaves who believe [in the Oneness of Allaah Islamic Monotheism] and do righteous good deeds. And whoever earns a good righteous deed, We shall give him an increase of good in respect thereof. Verily, Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate [the deeds of those who are obedient to Him].” [Ash-Shura 42:23]
This shows that Allaah is always increasing when He gives and that He gives more than the effort you put in.
Evidence 3:
Do you know about the story of the immoral woman from the children of Israel who gave water to the thirsty dog? Subhaanu’Allaah, Allaah forgave her her major sins because of this small good deed. She was a corrupt woman and Allaah was so forgiving and Shakoor to her. So, what about you? He is Ash-Shakoor.
Evidence 4:
Fasting on the Day of Arafat [Muslim]. It is only one day of fasting but what will Allaah do in return? No, He won’t expiate the sins of one day. He Subhaanu’Allaah will expiate the sins of two years! Why? Because He is Ash-Shakoor.
Evidence 5:
“Whoever brings a good deed shall have ten times the like thereof to his credit, and whoever brings an evil deed shall have only the recompense of the like thereof, and they will not be wronged.” [Al-An’am 6:160]
Here Allaah has manifested His Grace by multiplying the value of good deeds, while keeping the bad deeds at their face value. Why? Because He is Ash-Shakoor.
Evidence 6:
“Whoever reads a single letter from Allaah’s Book will receive a blessing and each blessing is worth ten times its value.” [At-Tirmidhee]. Because He is Ash-Shakoor.
Evidence 7:
“Why should Allaah punish you if you have thanked [Him] and have believed in Him. And Allaah is Ever All-Appreciative [of good], All-Knowing.” [An-Nisa 4:147]
“Wa kaannaAllaahu Shakirun Aaleema.”
Why is the Attribute “Aleema” [All-Knowing] coupled with Shaakirun? Sometimes, you are doing good deeds and favours and the person who you did this favour to, didn’t even recognise it. But, no problem! Who recognises? Who Knows? Who will reward? Allaah! Because He is: “Shakirun Aaleema.” It is enough for you to know that Allaah knows what you did.
Let’s say, you saw your mother or father sleeping without a blanket on them. You go and pull a blanket over them. Your sleeping mother/father does not know. But who knows? Allaah knows because He is Aleem. It is enough for you that Allaah knows. And He will reward for it. Do you go to them in the morning and tell them: “Mama, I put a blanket over you last night!”? No! No need. We need to know that: “Allaah is enough for me. He knows what I do and He will reward me for my deeds.” “Wa kaannaAllaahu Shakirun Aaleema.”
Evidence 8:
“And they will say: ‘All the praises and thanks be to Allaah. Verily, our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate [good deeds and to recompense]’.” [Fatir 35:34]
“Inna rubbana laghafoorun shakoor.”
These are the words of the people of Jannah. When they will see the amazing bounties of Jannah, they will admit to Allaah’s Attribute of Ash-Shakoor. He appreciates by rewarding His slaves for obeying His commands. He does not need us or our deeds. Subhaanu’Allaah! He is Ghanee [The Self-Sufficient, The Rich]. But He shows His appreciation generously because that is His Attribute. He is Ash-Shakoor.
Evidence 9:
The great evidence that Allaah is Ash-Shakoor is Jannah. Just think about it. What are we doing to deserve or earn Jannah? Just look at the example of the life of an ordinary man. This man dies at the age of 60. He reached adulthood and the age of accountability at 15. So, minus the first 15 years of his life from his total age. Now minus the number of years that he spent sleeping. Then minus the time he spent in the washroom. Minus the time he spent in useless pursuits & vain talk. So, how much time did he spend in real ‘ibaadah? How much of his time was spent in other good deeds to help people? Subhaanu’Allaah! It is very, very little. And Allaah will give him after that life, Jannah! For this very short period of very little good deeds, Allaah will give Jannah, to dwell in for eternity. Why? Because He is Ash-Shakoor.
Therefore, we have to ‘DO’ to reach Jannah. We have to show Allaah that we want it badly. We have to show Him that we are trying our best to enter it. And Allaah is Ash-Shakoor.
Do you really think that your deeds are the price of Jannah? No! It is because Allaah is Kareem [The Kind] that He rewards your deeds generously. There is no end to the happiness of Jannah. It is eternal. A little bit of effort here can lead to eternal bliss.
It is like me having one quarter of a dirham. And I am very, very pleased with that coin. And with that puny money, I want to buy a luxury palace, fancy cars, fancy furniture, gardens, pools, etc. But because the owner is Kareem [Kind] & Barr [Generous], he will give it to me. Not because he needs this quarter but because he saw that you worked hard and strove day and night and suffered to collect it. Therefore, know Allaah. Know that He is Kareem, Rahmaan, Raheem, Shakoor, He WILL accept small deeds done with ikhlaas and reward you immensely. And grant you Jannah!
What must we do to live with the Ash-Shakoor?
1. ‘Ibaadah Kaseerah: A lot of ‘ibaadah [salaah, siyaam, tasbeeh, Qur’aan, du’aa], all that is between you and Allaah. Remember the Attributes and Names of Allaah and praise Him by them.
2. Be good with others: Any favours you do for others, Allaah will recognise and reward you for it.
3. Do a lot of shukr with your heart and tongue.
Do all these acts with ikhlaas. Don’t think that Allaah will ignore or disregard the smallest of good deed you have done. Remember this point when you are faced with the chance of doing the smallest of good deed for the sake of Allaah. If you remember this, it will encourage you to ‘do more’ and your mind [your inner voice] will remind you: “Don’t leave!”, “Don’t leave!”
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