Wednesday, March 26, 2008


For a woman, a good husband is the best thing in life
This very world can become Paradise

What are the things he should do and not do
Keep on reading and I will tell you

Be generous with money, there’s no doubting this
It’s an important ingredient of marital bliss

Spending on family is rewarded by God
If done with the intention of pleasing the Lord

He should treat his wife well, express his love
Appreciate her for all that she does

When he comes home from work, greet her and smile
Realise that household chores is no easy life

He should share in the housework, lend her a hand
Be patient with her, sometimes say “Thanks’

A compliment or two also goes a long way
‘I just loved the food you cooked today.”

Avoid scolding her and in fact, he should try
To not say things that will make her cry

A woman is sensitive - it’s the emotions in her
That makes her so loving, and a fine nurturer

If she should err, rather than shout
Explain to her gently what it’s all about

As for important decisions in life
He should take them after consulting his wife

She is after all, his partner and friend
Happily together should their life be spent

It’s a great opportunity, not to be lost
Why go for conflict when life is so short

I urge you my friend, take my advice
Be kind, patient, generous, enjoy Paradise.

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