Thursday, June 26, 2008

Place your trust in Allah..!

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas narrates, "I was once behind the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wa, when he said, 'O Child! Be mindful of Allah and he will be mindful of you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him before you. Whenever you ask for anything ask it from Allah, and when you seek assistance seek it from Allah. And know that if the whole of humanity were to unite in order to benefit you, they could not benefit you of anything except as Allah has already written for you, and if they were to unite to harm you in some way, they could not harm you, except as Allah has already written for you. The pens have been lifted and the scrolls have dried"' (Tirmidhi, Ahmad).

"Be mindful of Allah and he will be mindful of you" has been understood to mean "be mindful of His commands by making good what He has ordered and refraining from what He has prohibited." In return, He will take care of you by protecting you from the trials of this world and the punishment of the next - a just recompense. "You will find Him before you" means that you will always find Him at your assistance, that your affairs will be facilitated for, or that you will attain the station of Perfection (ihsan) - as though you see Him when you worship Him (see hadith 1 in this section).

"Whenever you ask for anything ask it from Allah" because only He is the possessor of infinite bounties and the holder of the treasures of the universe, which reach a servant through His mercy and generosity. Ask of Him, for others do not have the power to benefit or harm anyone except by His leave. A hadith states, "Whoever does not ask Allah, Allah is angered with him." A poet says, "Allah is angered if you abandon asking Him. And the human when asked is angered."

"The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried" is used to indicate that the decree of Allah is absolute and does not change. His knowledge is absolute, complete, and eternal and does not accept error, alteration, or change. Whatever has been written and decreed by Allah before the creation of the universe and written by the Pen upon the Tablet is final (Mirqat al-mafatih 9:161).

One's attention and reliance need only be focused on Allah, because He is the One from whom comes all benefit and harm, and there is no one else who has any say in this regard (Mazad al-raghibin 105).

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