From the earliest sources of history, the struggle for global search of inner peace has been something mankind has tried to achieve. In this article the writer present an informative topic on the problems of the societies that we live in with a special look at the western way of life, which the rest of the world has started to adopt- But is this imitation a search for inner peace or the path to inner destruction ?
The topic of inner peace addresses a universal need. There is nobody on thisplanet that does not desire inner peace. It is not a desire that is new to our Time; rather, it is something that everybody has been searching for throughoutthe ages, regardless of colour, creed, religion, race, nationality, age, sex, wealth,ability or technological advancement…
People have taken a variety of different paths in trying to achieve inner peace, some through accumulating material possessions and wealth, others throughdrugs; some through music, others through meditation; some through theirhusbands and wives, others through their careers and some through theirchildren’s achievements. And the list goes on.
Yet the search also goes on. In our time we have been led to believe thattechnological advancement and modernization will produce for us physicalcomforts and through these we will attain inner peace.
However, if we were to take the most technologically advanced and mostIndustrialized nation in the world, America, then we would see that what wehave been led to believe is not factual. The statistics show that in Americasome 20 million adults suffer from depression yearly; and what is depressionbut a total lack of inner peace?
Furthermore in the year 2000 death rate due tosuicide was double the rate of those who die from Aids. However, the newsmedia being what it is, we hear more about those who die from Aids than wedo about those who die by committing suicide. Also more people die fromsuicide in America than from homicide, and the homicide rates themselves aremassive.
So the reality is that technological advancement and modernization have notbought inner peace and tranquility. Rather in spite of the creature comfortsthat modernization has brought us, we are further away from inner peace thanour ancestors were. Inner peace is for the most part of our lives very elusive; we never seem to getour hands on it.Many of us mistake personal pleasures for inner peace; we achieve elements ofpleasure from a variety of things, be it wealth, sexual relations or other thanthat. But these do not last, they come and go. Yes we have personal pleasuresfrom time to time and we are pleased with various things from time to time,but this is not inner peace. True inner peace is a sense of stability andcontentment which carries us through all the trials and difficulties of life.
We need to understand that peace is not something that will exist in this worldaround us because when we define peace according to the dictionarydefinition it states that peace is freedom from war or civil strife. Where dohave this? There is always a war or some sort of civil unrest happeningsomewhere in the world. If we look at peace in terms of the state level thenpeace is freedom from public disorder and security, but where in the world dowel have this in a complete form ?
If we look at peace on a social level, familyand work, then peace is freedom from disagreements and arguments, but isthere such a social environment that never has disagreements or arguments ?
Interms of location, then yes, we can have a place which is calm, peaceful andtranquil, some islands for example, but this external peace only exists for asmall amount of time, sooner or later a storm or a hurricane will come.
Allah says: “Verily, I have created man in toil (struggle).”(Al-Balad 90:4)
This is the nature of our lives; we are in toil and struggle, ups and downs,times of difficulties and time of ease.
It is a life full of tests as Allah says: “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to as-Saabirin (the patient ones, etc.).” (Al-Baqarah 2:155)
To deal with our circumstances, the circumstances of toil and struggle inwhich we live, patience is the key.But if we go back to the inner peace that we are looking for, then patiencecannot manifest it self if we do not have that inner peace.
Download full Article written by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
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